A Voice of Reason – Fireside Chat – Sunday, 7 February 2016

Christ is All Sufficient

Christ is All Sufficient

Some people may say that Christ owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He not only owns the  cattle on a thousand hills, but He owns the very hills upon which those cattle graze.

Some people may say that Christ is the greatest physician. He not only is He the greatest physician, but He is the Master Physician. He is the Balm of Gilead. He cures all sickness, both physical and spiritual.

Some people attempt to put Christ on a time schedule as if His timing is the same as ours. However, His “clock” is not measured nor calibrated in minutes and seconds. One day for Him is as a thousand years. We may think that He does not come right when we need Him, but He is ALWAYS right on time.

Some may feel that there is no hope for them and that their life is consumed with utter darkness, with the sun never to shine again. However, He is the Hope of Israel. He is the Life and the Light of the World. There is no darkness that He, the Son of the Eternal Father can not penetrate. In fact, in Him, there is no darkness, only glorious LIGHT and TRUTH.

Some may feel that Christ does not care about them, and that He has abandoned them long ago. However, He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. We are never alone on this journey. His watchful eye is even upon the little sparrow, and so if He cares for the sparrow, would it not follow that He does care for you and for me?

He is the Master Shepherd and we are the sheep of His fold. He knows each of us by name, and had we been an audience of one, He would have still bled, suffered, and died – just for you – just for me.

Nuggets of Wisdom – Sunday, 7 February 2016

Do You Know Him?

Praech the Gospel

Just because a man or woman has a theological degree from a Seminary, Bible College, or some other religious institution, it does not show that he or she has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It only signifies that he or she has a piece of paper that indicates the successful completion of a course of study. It does not even fully qualify or equip him or her as a minister of the Gospel to effectively teach and preach His truths.

They may well know the name of Jesus Christ and have a concept of who He is, but that knowledge alone does not necessarily equate to them actually KNOWING Jesus Christ or having a personal relationship with Him. Even Satan knows the name of Jesus Christ, and when he hears the name, he trembles. To be effective in the work of the ministry requires a personal, intimate relationship with the Master Teacher – the Lord Jesus Christ. It is through that relationship that one becomes fully ready and equipped to effectively do the work that Lord has prepared for him or her to do.

I am not so much interested in the degrees or the titles that a person has. Those things are nice, but what is more important is if in all of their education and obtaining of those degrees and titles they truly KNOW Him. For without Him they can do nothing. Without Him, they will surely fail.